

César Fernández RamírezPAPIIT-DGAPA UNAM (Mexico), No. IG1014232023-2025
César Fernández RamírezUNED 50 Anniversary Grant (Spain)2022-2023
Miguel AlbaladejoCIDEGENT Grant no. CIDEGENT/2020/0022021-2024
Vincent MathieuSpanish Ministry of Innovation and Science, No. PID2020-118758GB-I002021-2024
César Fernández RamírezPAPIIT-DGAPA UNAM (Mexico), No. IN1069212021-2022
Vincent MathieuSpanish Ministry of Innovation and Science, No. PID2019-106080GB-C212020-2023
César Fernández RamírezCONACYT (Mexico), No. A1-S-213892019-2023
César Fernández RamírezPAPIIT-DGAPA UNAM (Mexico), No. IA1018192019-2020
César Fernández RamírezPAPIIT-DGAPA UNAM (Mexico), No. IA1017172017-2018
César Fernández RamírezJefferson Science Associates LLC, HUGS international fellowship for graduate students in developing countries2016-2020
César Fernández RamírezCONACYT (Mexico), No. 2518172016-2020
Adam SzczepaniakNSF, No. PHY-15135242015-2016
Adam SzczepaniakNSF, No. PHY-14154592014-2017


Arkaitz Rodas BilbaoJefferson Lab, VA (USA): Nathan Isgur Fellow2022-2025
Sergi Gonzàlez-SolísLos Alamos National Lab, NM (USA): Director's Fellow2021-2024
Alessandro PilloniINFN Roma (Italy): FELLINI (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund Action No. 754496)2020-2021
Mikhail MikhasenkoORIGINS Cluster (Germany): ORIGINS Fellowship2021-2024
Vincent MathieuCommunity of Madrid (Spain), Programa de Atracción de Talento Investigador 2018-T1/TIC-103132019-2023


Arkaitz Rodas BilbaoJefferson Science Associates LLC: JSA postdoctoral prize2022
Łukasz BibrzyckiPedagogical University of Krakow: IDUB-04 Excellent Motivation2022
Andrew JackuraJefferson Science Associates LLC: JSA postdoctoral prize2021
César Fernández RamírezInstitute of Physics, UK: IOP Trusted Reviewer2020
Astrid Hiller BlinModern Physics Letters A: Outstanding Referee2020
Arkaitz Rodas BilbaoComplutense University of Madrid: Extraordinary PhD thesis prize2019
César Fernández RamírezMarcos Moshinsky Foundation: Marcos Moshinsky Award for Young Scientists 2019
César Fernández RamírezCONACYT: National Researcher Level II2019
Vincent MathieuPhysics Letters B: Outstanding Referee2017
Astrid Hiller BlinUniversity of Valencia: Extraordinary PhD thesis prize2017
César Fernández RamírezCONACYT: National Researcher Level I2016
Sergi Gonzàlez-SolísInstitute of Catalan Studies: Sant Jordi prize in physics "Eduard Fontserè"2016